Paul Berry: An Irish language act must be resisted at all costs by the DUP and the Ulster Unionist Party

Simon Coveney, Irish deputy prime minister, at Stormont on Belfast on Monday night. "He needs to be reminded that he is a visitor."  Photo: David Young/PA WireSimon Coveney, Irish deputy prime minister, at Stormont on Belfast on Monday night. "He needs to be reminded that he is a visitor."  Photo: David Young/PA Wire
Simon Coveney, Irish deputy prime minister, at Stormont on Belfast on Monday night. "He needs to be reminded that he is a visitor." Photo: David Young/PA Wire
Now that the talks process to try and restore the assembly has commenced again, it must be said that there is a real concern that a deal may be cobbled together on a culture/language Act to placate Sinn Fein.

This must be resisted at all costs by the DUP and UUP. Any agreement to such will lead to less votes for them in future elections.

I believe the only answer to Sinn Fein, SDLP and Alliance is a good dose of direct rule to allow ministers from the Conservative Party to move in to try and sort out our health service, education funding crisis and economy generally in the immediate term.

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At the same time unionism, ie DUP and UUP, make it abundantly clear to the secretary of state and Prime Minister Boris Johnson that if they try to legislate through the House of Commons for an Irish language act, then unionism will not return to any assembly.

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They also with haste must ensure through these round of talks that the Dublin government must be put in their place and that the DUP, UUP and British government ensure that the three strands approach arising out of the Belfast Agreement are adhered to in the talks.

The Irish government have become too closely involved in our internal affairs and it is time unionism and our own government ensure this is strictly observed.

Simon Coveney TD, Irish deputy prime minister, is strutting around Stormont as if he owns the place so it is high time he is reminded that he is a visitor from a foreign state. If these are not observed then unionism needs to withdraw at once on principle.

Independent councillor, Tandragee